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Safety for Seniors: Elder Abuse Awareness


Definition: Abuse of older adults is any action or inaction by a person in a position of trust that harms the health or well-being of an older person.

Abuse exists in many different forms.  It can be physical, psychological, sexual, neglect and financial exploitation.

Research shows that the person who abuses a senior is often a family member and dependent on the older person for financial support, a place to live or emotional support.

Many older adults are reluctant to identify the situation and will often feel embarrassed and ashamed. They may decide not to report mistreatment because they are afraid of being rejected by a loved one. Abuse does not know gender, is a complex matter and there are many factors involved.

Where can I go? What can I do?


Seniors Abuse Support Line is a 24-hour, toll free Seniors Abuse Support Line for older adults who are experiencing or know someone who is experiencing abuse. It is a confidential service. It provides information, support, counselling and helps connect people with resources and support services.

Call toll free: 1-888-896-7183

If you are concerned that someone living in care is experiencing abuse, contact the Protection for Persons in Care Office. Winnipeg: 204-788-6366. Toll free: 1-800-855-0511. Deaf Access Line TTY/TDD: 204-786-7132.

Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15, 2016


HSSI Volunteer Appreciation BBQ

hdly seniors BBQ 2016

What:    HSSI Volunteer Appreciation BBQ

When:   Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

Time:     5:30 pm

Where:  Headingley Community Centre

5353 Portage Avenue, Headingley MB


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The Thirdquarter is a national non-profit organization, specializing in recruitment services for mature Canadian job seekers aged 45 and up, who are in the third quarter of their careers. They bridge the gap between talented people looking for work and the businesses that need their expertise.

For more information, contact:

ThirdQuarter – Head Office
1400-191 Lombard
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0x1
Phone: 1-855-286-0306
Email: [email protected]

Afternoon Out

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